December 06, 2008

Thin Man (Black Walnut)


"One night while working on the Thin Man the knife slipped and I pierced my right wrist deeply. The blood gushed out like a broken levee. I was able to stop the flow and spent the rest of the night holding my arm up and keeping the wound from bleeding. I didn’t bother going to a doctor. The injury healed after a couple of weeks but it slowed down the carving a bit."

"I was inspired to make the Thin Man when I saw exhibited somewhere a carving that a woman had made out of pear wood. It was of a thin woman, and her feet were positioned in that unique way that I copied with Thin Man. Several years later I submitted the Thin Man to a juried committee at the Buffalo Art Museum. It was returned to me rejected, with written remarks saying: “the body is distorted for no apparent reason” and “what message are you trying to send?” It was my first and last experience with the pink slip of artdom."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Piece of Art Work! Then, as now, art museum personnel are mainly self serving, politically motivated, and raising money for their own salaries. Shame on you Buffalo Art Museum. DH